The sun also rises, and the sun goes down, And hastens to the place where it arose.
Nature is one of the ways in which God has revealed Himself to humanity. What exactly does nature, that is the universe around us, tell us about God? Can we find evidence of Gods existence from looking at the world in which we live.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, ”created” Hebraic ”bara” to form, fashion to create, “Prophecy” Propheteia Greek from pro, ”forth” phemi, ”to speak” forth telling/ foretelling of future events, Prophetic Pictures; evidence of Gods spoken words.
Genesis 1:26 God declares, “let us make man in our image, according to our likeness and let them have dominion over all the earth, so God created man in His own image in the image of God He created him male and female He created them.
subject to pier review

Do you believe this ?
If you open your heart to Jesus:
Open your eyes to His beautiful creation and that of His true character.
The book of Colossian’s 1:16 and Romans 1:20 in the New Testament expand on this theme.
Many events around the world are coming to pass, prophesied two millennia ago: John 16:1
These things I have spoken to you that you should not be made to stumble: They will put you out of the synagogues; Yes the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God a service: And these things they will do to you because they have not known Him: But these things I have told you, that when the time comes, you may remember that I told you of them.
Being zealous for the right reasons is a good thing, otherwise, you may be against the purposes of God.
God required of the nation of Israel to observe His commandments found in Exodus 20:1-17, Jesus raised the bar……the ultimate moral litmus test to another level…….Matthew 5:17-44
Character truths revealed in the bible are known to make for uncomfortable reading at times!
Hebrews 4:12 illustrates why ?
Psalm 36:9 In your light we see light.
What is truth ?
Pontius Pilate the Roman governor of Judea asked what is truth?
Is Truth relative, what point of reference should we use to measure such a question ?
Truth about morality, who gets to decide ?
The pen is mightier than the sword ! so the saying goes, a decision is made for a Country to go war, countless lives are effected, something mightier than the pen or the sword ? stepping into a boxing ring with a heavy weight boxer you would come away bruised and battered, however this is what happens every day around the world by people not yielded to God’s ways, all by the power of the spoken word.
The Police in a number of Countries use a legal term GBH: grievous bodily harm; it is an offence to use words of a threatening nature against another person.
A soft answer answer turns away wrath: But grievous words stir up anger: Proverbs 15: 1
During researching the power of the spoken word, on the very day in question I happened listen to the BBC World Service which featured a study by Amnesty International on prisoners of conscience, the results were truly confirming, during their time of incarceration was not the worst part, neither was the torture they endured at the hands of their captors, ironically it was the harsh words spoken to them while in captivity which they struggled to overcome tormenting them for years after.
We often handle items of a fragile nature with extreme care.
People should have a label attached ‘FRAGILE HANDLE WITH CARE’
Psalms 139:13-18 Gods perspective towards His ultimate creation.
Ephesians 2:10 makes quite a statement.
Romans 3:23……..?
Pontius Pilate who was the Roman governor of Judea, acknowledged that Jesus was no ordinary man. Pilate therefore said to Him, Are You a King then? Jesus answered, You say that I am a King. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into this world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice. Pilate said to Him, ”What is truth?” And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, I find no fault in Him at all.
seeking for truth – my testimony
During my youth I joined some friends for an adventure to trace the source of the village stream following its course until it joined the mighty river Thames, our friend’s father took us closer where the spring was thought to be located leaving us to discover for ourselves where it really started, after a number of fields as we drew near my friends said,” listen you can hear the water running over stones near by, that’s got to be it ! promptly turned around walking back down the trail, I protested and said ” let’s be sure as it may not be”, but due to their insistence I relented, we continued on with our journey over the next few days until we finally reached are intended destination, it was quite an adventure but what of the true source, had we really found the start?
Interestingly we would pass this way on route to school and back, I often pondered this question had we really found the start of the stream ? it would be almost thirty years later I shared of my childhood adventure with a friend of my unanswered question ? that just wouldn’t go away, we decided to put my curiosity to rest and investigate it ourselves, as we drew near the spot from all those years ago I finally got my answer, my friends had misjudged the start of the stream ! the spring was to be found some distance away perhaps another half a mile or more, ”so what” you might say does it really matter ! to those of us in this world who care about truth, the answer is very clearly ”yes” it does matter any thing that purports to be true if there is any merit then it is worthy of investigating only then will we experience for ourselves if its claims are true.
The years had rolled by and I wondered what had become of my old friends, where their lives had taken them ? what became of them ? we all went in very different directions geographically and spiritually too one exclaimed that he was far too scientifically minded to take the Bible seriously, he should have read Romans 3:20 with a question that needs an answer, with Revelation chapter 3:20 a metaphor to consider, the older brother joined the Mormon church, however many years later left feeling thoroughly disillusioned with his experience never wanting to hear another word on the subject of religion, who can blame him ! the book of Mormon was not written under inspiration of the Holy spirit, it is the work of man”s vain imagination, the bible is not silent on the error of interfering with the scriptures ! Revelation 22:18-19 makes for sobering reading.
The Mormon church not content adding or taking a few words from the Holy inspired word of God wrote a whole new twisted version with its far reaching consequences: The bible is clear about the true believer as found in 2 Timothy 3:16
Another experienced a life crises and considered ending his life but for the intervention of a Godly woman explaining to him that life had meaning, purpose and hope for the future, he attended a Bible believing Church where he will have read John 14:6 he later married this same lady.
My spiritual journey started many years later as I pondered life’s true purpose ? why there was so much suffering in this world ? I listened to a couple of people who were spiritualist’s for a while, but it just didn’t sit right with me, after a number of years I had a conversation with a christian man at my work whose his life was different, he stated that God still speaks today !! he explained the error of spiritualism as the Bible strictly warns us in Leviticus 20:27 and Deuteronomy 18:11-12
The above childhood story is a metaphor for the journey of life, there is so much packed into that little adventure, for all who are seeking for truth consider the following words of Jesus:
ASK God to reveal Himself Luke 11:9-10 explains how?
Shortly after meeting the man at work I made the decision to follow Christ.
Jeremiah 29:11-13 is a perspective worth reflecting on.
God is sending out an RSVP to you Revelation 3:20
John 8:12 Jesus made this remarkable statement about Himself.
Life … a vapour that appears for a little time
New Testament: James 4.14 speaks about this subject.

Throughout history, ordinary men and women operating under the inspiration of the Holy spirit prophesied events coming to pass, the following true account is one such example, one of many that have been personaly witnessed.
A picture is worth a thousand words
“A picture is worth a thousand words!!”
What then must a picture of heaven be worth ?
Oxford University Bodleian library contains millions of books, many new scientific publications added every day covering every subject known to man, there is an ancient book which has much to say about the state of this world, the veracity of prophesied words from the bible, plain for all to see and understand.
Matthew 24/7 Nation shall rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, there will be famines, pestilence and earthquakes in diverse places.
January 2016 Prophet Peter Kumar www.forerunnersnationchangers.org prophesied earthquakes would start up again in New Zealand. At 12:02 am on 14 November 2016 the country experienced its worst earthquake in 85 years !!
Prophecy still exists in the 21 Century.
The most powerful statement the Bible makes:
The free gift of eternal life. start your journey today, repent and receive the forgiveness of your sins then place your trust in Christ alone for your salvation.
Read more in Ephesians 2:8-9

Book recommendations
The following true accounts have been heard first hand, are consistent with a new birth experience.
Search for Truth by Suzanne Pillans. The story of Suzanne Pillians horse ”Jacky Boy” involved in an horrific car accident resulting a double fracture to the front forelimb, a torn ligament in the shoulder, the main nerve in the leg severed, the vet told her the horse would have to be put down as it would never walk again! she cried out to God if you will heal my horse! I will serve you the rest of my life, a miracle happened God had healed her horse !! Read for your self this inspiring true account when Suzanne’s whole outlook on life changed as a result of that desperate prayer, the world is all the better for it as a result.
Paradigm Shift by Professor Roy Peacock. Read the extraordinary account of a scientist who experienced a PARADIGM SHIFT in his thinking from religious skeptic to convinced believer, “Paradigm Shift” by Professor Roy Peacock written with pace, passion and humor, this account of the life of a scientist, prophet teacher and healing evangelist will build your faith.
“Paradigm Shift is a personal account memoir of events which have shaped Roy’s extraordinary life. It shows an experimental scientist testing the claims of the Bible in the same way he would any other truth claims and finding that God acts as dramatically and speaks as clearly today as He did in Bible times. People are healed spiritually and physically as Roy increasingly learns to trust God in every area of his life.